Lord Jesus,
Heal our souls now, the souls of the saved and angry, the souls of the lost and hopeless, the soul of our church, of our nation, of our world.
Comfort Maud’s family and friends now, give them sleep and nourishment for their bodies, rest and sustenance for their minds, and comfort and life for their spirits. Replace the loss of love that was created in their lives by the forces of evil, with your perfect and eternal love. Bind them to your heart and will now, no matter how much they might question you. You’ve done it for people less worthy and less needful, and we know you can do it for them.
Work your mercy in the hearts of Maud’s killers. Break their will and pride and make them reckon with the murder they have committed. Give them the courage and decency to confess and plead guilty, and spare their neighbors and countrymen the pain of a broken justice system.
Inspire our churches to preach the whole gospel, the good news that you have given us the keys to the kingdom. Move us to unlock the doors to peace and justice for all, to truly have all things in common, to use our riches and power - financial and social - to right the wrongs around us. And indict us, convict us, and, Lord, punish us when we ignore them. Focus our minds and hearts on justice, not only cosmic justice that requires only faith in you to accomplish, but temporal and earthly justice that requires us to put our faith to work.
Heal our nation. Gather the remnants of your people here, your children in this land, some true, some scattered and misguided, some apostate and needing repentance, and mobilize us into an army, much smaller that we would expect, but much stronger than we could ever imagine. Use us as your tools, your weapons, your agents, to tear down the idols of racism and superiority and preach your holy name to the lost and hurting by loving them with a love that only you possess. Selah.
And Lord Jesus, please, please, with all my heart and everything I have, please, run alongside my son while he’s in these streets, run with my nephews, with my students, my neighbors. Give them boldness and courage, but also wisdom, and keep their eyes focused on you, never looking to the right or the left. Run with them through the valley of the shadow of death, because there is evil all around them. Give them courage to stand up to evil, Lord, but please don’t let them do it alone. Bring forth your people from every tribe, tongue, and nation to stand with them. Protect them from harm and hatred and use their lives for your glory.
In Jesus’ name and for His sake,
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